I'd planned to go to Colchester on Palm Sunday (1st April) as we didn't have a service at our citadel and I thought it a good opportunity to visit my friends, without feeling guilty for not being with the sections. I wanted to definitely bike back this time, however didn't think I could do both ways. Also I really couldn't be bothered to get up that early, on a Sunday, to bike there so I decided that I'd get the train there (with the bike) and then after the service I'd bike home.
I had to bike from home to Ipswich train station and from Colchester train station to the Co-Op funeral chappel (that's where Colchester SA are worshipping temporarily). Once there I had a nice time meeting old friends. Lots of friendly welcomes. It was a bit surreal sitting in a funeral chappel for worship, but didn't look too much like one, just too plain for a worship hall. I managed to get another £50 worth of sponsorship :-)
As I was leaving Alan S invited me round to theirs for lunch.......as much as I would have loved to, I had to decline otherwise I wouldn't have biked home. My mindset was: train there, service, bike home, cook lunch/tea.......any distractions would have been disasterous.
I set off undecided whether to put my cardigan on or off. It was quite breezey cycling but the sunshine was warm when there wasn't any shade. I went with the on till I got outside of Colchester and then took it off once I got going.
I went along the A137 as that is the easiest route. It was going quite well untill I got to Brantham and suddenly realised I'd forgotten (in my mind) Brantham Hill!!! That was the steepest hill!!! It is a killer!!! Not literally as I am still alive to tell the tale, however, not a nice hill to cycle up. I made it though. Then I thought oh no, there's still the other hill, less steep but longer :-(
I loved going down the hill just before Manningtree Station :-) had to be careful though as there a roundabout at the bottom of it.....good job my breaks work :-)
Once I got up the next hill I then remembered about another one :-/ there are so many inclines to Ipswich :-(
1hour 45mins later......I arrived home :-) and felt good :-) a sense of acheivement :-).....
I'd conquered the unconquerable :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)