Sunday, 29 May 2011

Recovered :-)

Ok, so on Thursday I felt the pain. I was legs felt like they had sandbags attached to them. I drove to work that night, however still got my exercise as someone decided to run off site and me being me (and nearly the youngest) ended up running after them. (100m sprint then 100m jog.......where was my bike when I needed it).

However I think I am recovered. Had busy weekend with a house full (eldest son, his girlfriend, his mate and their dog, the daughter and her dog), but I am going to bike tonight......determined to keep going.

Want to do Colchester by the end of next month :-)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Being good :-)

Going to be good and bike to work again tonight, may regret it in the morning but hey ho :-)

the morning after........

I feel surprisingly OK, had warm bath (not too hot as got sun burnt) which helped ease the muscles.
I really should bike to work tonight, but we'll have to wait and see how I feel at 8pm. It's not so much the biking to work, like I've said before, it's the biking home after an 11 hour night shift and up the hills.

Going to check out routes to Colchester soon.......

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Bike ride to Felixstowe

I did it!

Felt quite easy on the way. 10 mile in 50 mins, better than I'd thought. It was a very flat route which also helped. Part of the cycle route goes along next to the A14 (the worse road in the uk), which was quite scary riding towards lorries, but it was only for about 1 mile :-)
I left home earlier than I needed, just to make sure I'd got time to enjoy the ride. When I decided to leave it was quite windy so I thought I'd wear full length trousers (thin ones)......but 10 mins down the road I regretted it. Fortunately they were combat type so I could undo the legs a bit and roll them up :-) I got to Fx just before 11am and went straight to the town centre and hunted out some cheap shorts......the factory shop did the business :-)
Then rode down to the seafront and sat looking out to sea, made couple of phone calls, and soaked in the rays (forgetting that I'd not put on suncream). At 12:30pm went round to a friends house (Suzanne from Ipswich Army) for the afternoon.
Had very enjoyable afternoon with Suz, Merv (her hubby) and chap called Ali (tree cutter - Suzanne's neice's hubby). Sat in the garden, soaking more sun, eating bacon sarnies :-)
Then walked to fet Lucy (their daughter) from school, before setting off home.

Biking home was bit more hard work. I had head wind on the way home, however only took 10 mins more,  but could begin to feel the muscles in my knees :-/

Now I've sat down I'm beginning to feel all kinds of muscles.......and can see I've caught the sun (got a mark where I had wore a head band ;-0 lol) an my arms look browner.

So, first mission is accomplished, biking to Fx before the end of May :-) now next challenge is Colchester (that involves hills) may extend the challenge frame though...................

Lets see how I feel in the morning :-)..................

I'm off

Ok, so I'm off to Fx now :-).....................

off to Felixstowe?

Ok, so I've woke up this morning thinking "ouch"

My muscles are aching from yesterday.........and I'm planning on biking to Fx????? 
"It's not that far" (thought for myself) sorted out 3 course lunch when I get there ;-) (sandwich, crisps and biscuit)

The other slight concern is it appears to be windy still :-/ hopefully it'll calm down in the next 2 hours.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Home to Salvation Army route,+IP3+0JN,+UK&daddr=52.0616595,1.1823956+to:The+Salvation+Army,+Woodbridge+Road,+Ipswich&geocode=FUH8GQMd_f8RACk99cV765_ZRzEQB3oIoJC6PA%3BFdtlGgMduwoSACm3n4pOdJ_ZRzHggwG9qBwOEw%3BFUNfGgMdxSYSACG4i_RM8atDdSkLbJBXCp_ZRzFkkm_327Eeng&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=14&via=1&dirflg=w&sll=52.057821,1.183004&sspn=0.024646,0.084543&ie=UTF8&z=14

Home to work route,+IP3+0JN,+UK&daddr=52.0486783,1.1559579+to:Ipswich+IP2+8RS&geocode=FUH8GQMd_f8RACk99cV765_ZRzEQB3oIoJC6PA%3BFSYzGgMddaMRACmlBTS3KKDZRzGQAQK9qBwOEw%3BFX0DGgMds3YRACmv0Go7FqDZRzF4fcURUBQ_xQ&hl=en&mra=ltm&dirflg=w&sll=52.04404,1.162155&sspn=0.024653,0.084543&ie=UTF8&ll=52.043834,1.162148&spn=0.024653,0.084543&z=14&via=1

Links didn't work

Don't try clicking on the links in 1st post as they didn't work :-/

Start of bike-blog

Today I decided that I would start a bike blog.

I'm not good at sticking to these sort of things, and I don't believe in telling everyone, everything about my day/ thought I'd just do a cycling one. It should be a good motivator to keep going with the cycling.

I need a challenge!!! I often do challenges (London to Southend bike ride 2003/Gorilla fun run 2009) and I'm feeling the need to do another one. I want to do London to Paris, and was really looking at doing it in Sept 2011, however VB (Vincent my husband) has persuaded me to put it off till next year, to give me time to train.

I am really trying to use my bike more. I have been cycling to the Salvation Army (2.7miles each way = 5.4miles round trip) on a tuesday night since transferring and I'm also trying to bike on a thursday night.

Last night I biked to work which is 3.7miles there (but with couple of hills.......which are killers on the way back), did an 11 hour shift over night then biked home. Unfortunately there was a head wind coming home, up the hills. I made it up the 1st one, but not all the way up the 2nd one (Landseer Road) without walking some of the way.

Tomorrow I am planning on biking to Felixstowe (9.4 miles each way) and I hope this wind calms down. I have checked the weather and it is suppose to be better. Also got my cuppa sorted when I get to Felixstowe :-)

I've tried to put links in to the routes I take, but not sure if they work :-/

But that's it for the first update, watch this space for more.................