Monday, 23 May 2011

Start of bike-blog

Today I decided that I would start a bike blog.

I'm not good at sticking to these sort of things, and I don't believe in telling everyone, everything about my day/ thought I'd just do a cycling one. It should be a good motivator to keep going with the cycling.

I need a challenge!!! I often do challenges (London to Southend bike ride 2003/Gorilla fun run 2009) and I'm feeling the need to do another one. I want to do London to Paris, and was really looking at doing it in Sept 2011, however VB (Vincent my husband) has persuaded me to put it off till next year, to give me time to train.

I am really trying to use my bike more. I have been cycling to the Salvation Army (2.7miles each way = 5.4miles round trip) on a tuesday night since transferring and I'm also trying to bike on a thursday night.

Last night I biked to work which is 3.7miles there (but with couple of hills.......which are killers on the way back), did an 11 hour shift over night then biked home. Unfortunately there was a head wind coming home, up the hills. I made it up the 1st one, but not all the way up the 2nd one (Landseer Road) without walking some of the way.

Tomorrow I am planning on biking to Felixstowe (9.4 miles each way) and I hope this wind calms down. I have checked the weather and it is suppose to be better. Also got my cuppa sorted when I get to Felixstowe :-)

I've tried to put links in to the routes I take, but not sure if they work :-/

But that's it for the first update, watch this space for more.................


  1. the links didn't work.......will try and work on that ;-)

  2. Hope the trip to Felixstowe goes to plan and that the weather is kind to you. :-)
